Artists, Princes, and Popes
Venue: Online
Meets on: Tuesday 1 PM - 3 PM
Starting: Apr 8
Sessions: 6
Class Size: 25
Teaching Style:
Weekly Preparation: Optional
Dr. Ellen L. Longsworth, Professor Emerita, served as Professor of Art History and Chair of
the Department of the Visual and Performing Arts at Merrimack College, MA. She received her doctorate from Boston University, her master’s from The University of Chicago, and her BA from Mount Holyoke College. She specializes in Italian Renaissance sculpture, specifically funerary and Northern Italian (Lombard) works, including life-sized polychrome terracotta sculpture groups and North Italy’s sacrimonti images; sculptures expressive of the Tridentine reform of San Carlo Borromeo located in the Milanese church of Santo Sepolcro; related sculptures in Milan Cathedral; and the early sculptures of Michelangelo. Her recent articles include: “Michelangelo and the Eye of the Beholder: the Early Bologna Sculptures,” Artibus et Historiae, Vienna-Cracow, 46 (XXIII) 2002: 77-82; and “Stylistic and Iconographic Consideration: The Lamentation in the Church of Santo Sepolcro, Milan,” Artibus et Historiae, Vienna-Cracow, 59 (XXX) 2009: 91-114.