The Road: A Political Discussion of the American Civil War

Civil War history is a road well-traveled. But how did we get there? Where did it take us? Did we arrive at our planned destination or get lost along the way? Join me as we travel down four roads, exploring how this amazing odyssey transformed our nation. The Road to War: Why did we go to war against each other? Is it all the fault of Massachusetts? Or South Carolina? How about both? The Road to Freedom: Why did it take so long to free the enslaved? Was it really a war to preserve the Union? The Road to Transformation: How did formerly obscure people like Abraham Lincoln and Walt Whitman become household names? The Road to Chaos: How did we get to Jim Crow? Guest Civil War scholars will be invited to zoom in and share their knowledge, and we will have two local field trips. We will also read and discuss The Strange Career of Jim Crow by C. Vann Woodward (about 200 pages).

Venue: The Engineering Center
Meets on: Wednesday 1 PM - 3 PM
Starting: Apr 2
Sessions: 6
Class Size: 20
Teaching Style:
Weekly Preparation:
Maureen Marcucci, BBA, MBA and CPA, worked in corporate taxation for Fortune 500 companies and raised three children with her husband. Maureen currently facilitates a Civil War reading group and co-chairs the Civil War Committee at the Union Club of Boston, which awards the annual Governor Andrew award for Civil War scholarship. She serves as a Boston Athenaeum docent, a Doric Docent at the Massachusetts State House, and as a director of several nonprofits in Boston.