Michelangelo: The Misconstrued Titan

The course will begin with an overview of Michelangelo's career but will then shift focus to the lesser known - indeed, often ignored - aspects of his work including his love poetry and his private life. In the process, we will discover a far different man from the prevailing image of the artist as the titanic, awe-inspiring, more-than-human genius usually propagated in the popular press or that receives attention in museum exhibitions or art historical scholarship. Prepare to be surprised!

Course Recordings:

Class 1 - April 7

Class 2 - April 14

Class 3 - April 21

Class 4 - April 28

Class 5 - May 5

Meets on: Wednesdays 3:30 to 5:30 pm
Starting: 4/7/2021
Sessions: 5
Class Size: unlimited
Teaching Style: Lecture and discussion
Weekly Preparation: None
Group Leader Biography:

Professor of Italian and Chair of the Department of Romance Languages at Boston College, specializing in the art and culture of Renaissance and Baroque Italy, Franco Mormando has given two BHS courses in the past on Bernini and Caravaggio.